Transworld Business Advisors of London South West co-owner, Nada Saleh, was given an opportunity to…
As a Transworld Business Advisor, you’ll meet some inspirational people, as you support their journeys. People who will take you by surprise about their outlook on their business.
As you grow your Transworld franchise, and connect with others in the network, you’ll soon understand the difference between sealing a deal, and sealing the right deal. The price isn’t always right when it comes to closing the right deal, as this example from Transworld UK’s MD, Henry Ziff, demonstrates:
The client-focused deal:
Dental practice – Although the seller wanted a good price, he was more concerned with how the buyer would treat his client-base. Would they be as dedicated to them as he had been over the last 10 years.
“We had three offers on the table. The first was from a national chain of dentists. The second was a first-time business buyer, who offered a higher price – he wanted to set-up something for his son. The third buyer offered the same price as the national chain, but she was growing a smaller portfolio, and had about 5/6 practices. She had great testimonials from her clients about how she looked after them. This became the most important factor for the seller, and he accepted her offer.”
Could you be the right kind of business broker?
Gain insight into what it takes to become a Transworld Business Advisor. Listen to our latest The Deal Board episode.