John Groves is no stranger to selling a business or three. So, when he came…

Reports released in April, show business confidence is at its highest level since the pandemic. With Transworld Business Advisors, you can make current business optimism work in your favour.
How confident are you feeling with the way the economy is shaping up, after the first quarter of the year? Or, to put it more personally, how you feeling about your prospects as the economy begin to shape-up? Following months of negative reports surrounding business prospects, it turns out the future is looking brighter than anticipated.
In April the ONS revealed marginal growth for Q1 in spite of public sector strikes, which led to The Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, saying, once again, he believed the UK would avoid a technical recession. The impact of this is showing business confidence is now also at its highest level, since the pandemic, according to Deloitte’s quarterly CFO Survey[1]. According to Ian Stewart, Chief Economist at Deloitte, “Business confidence has rebounded, helped by a decrease in energy prices, an easing of Brexit concerns and an improving inflation backdrop.”
You may not work in finance, but you’ll be aware those who do closely monitor the economy and its impact on business. So, when they feel more confident, it usually opens the way for others to begin to look forward with a sense of optimism, too. So, what does this mean for you?
If you’re content in your job, and the future you’re building, then not much. However, if you’re one of those who are looking for the right time to invest in their own business, then let’s talk. Because, at Transworld Business Advisors, our franchise partners are seeing a parallel in the number of clients looking for the right time to invest in their next venture. And, should you decide this is the right time to invest in your own Transworld office, you’ll be in a prime position to influence their decision.
At Transworld Business Advisors, we support people who are looking to exit their business, as well as people who are looking to buy an already operational enterprise. The reasons our clients decide to sell vary, and are not always connected to what the media would have you believe about the challenges affecting businesses in the UK. For some, they had a set time-frame and have focused their attention on the next stage of their life: retirement, a new venture, or a relocation.
One of the things we have identified, and can say with a degree of certainty is: This is the time when investors are ready to expand their portfolios and buyers are ready to take the exciting step toward change. People can sense an improvement in the economy is on the horizon, and know the right time to invest is now. Maybe you can sense the rising tide of optimism, too?
As a Transworld Business Advisors partner, you’ll lean on our 44 years of experience, having successfully sold tens of thousands of businesses, to guide your clients toward their own success… and subsequently, your own success. As a partner in the Transworld franchise, we’ll teach you how to manage the process by following the Transworld steps to business sale. And, because you’re partnering with us, you’ll receive support and mentoring from others in the network who have already started to build their own successful Transworld office.
Put your optimism into confident change
Contact us to discover how you can start your own Transworld office; support others as they change their future, whilst you improve yours. Call Managing Director, Henry Ziff, on 0203 911 1059, today.